

Peter Biar Ajak (Profile Photo)


Addis Ababa February 22/2022 /ENA/ The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) will serve as a powerful symbol of African awakening and empowerment project, South Sudanese prominent economist and activist Peter Biar Ajak said.

The prominent South Sudanese economist and activist made this remark following the inauguration of partial power generation of GERD on Sunday.

The dam started generating 375 MW of electricity from one of its turbines.

“Aside from the fact that it will accelerate Ethiopia’s pact of industrialization with positive externalities for the region, the GERD serves as a powerful symbol of African awakening and empowerment,” Ajak wrote on his Facebook page.

He said the opening of the multi-billion-dollar project shows determination of people of Ethiopia that what they have put in their minds cannot be thwarted by adverse forces.

“Funded entirely by Ethiopians and their compatriots in the diaspora, it shows determination of the people to achieve what they have put their minds on and it can’t be thwarted by adverse forces, however strong those forces are.”

Upon completion, the dam is expected to produce over 5,000 mega watts of electricity, more than doubling Ethiopia’s electricity output.

The GERD project is seen as one that will address the more than 60 percent of Ethiopian population who are in darkness.

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=B59B2566FF5C4CF49D7D558966FCDF69&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.msn.com%2Fen-xl%2Fafrica%2Fother%2Fsouth-sudan-economist-says-ethiopian-dam-symbol-of-african-empowerment%2Far-AAUbdPT&c=1480221717959399926&mkt=en-ca