
April 15, 2012 (KHARTOUM) — As Juba announced the arrival of a group of Sudanese Prisoners of War (POWs) captured in Heglig, Khartoum accused the South Sudanese army of holding the members of a medical team working at Heglig Hospital.

SPLA spokesperson speaks to reporters and behind him Sudanese war prisoners captured during bloody fighting in Heglig, at Juba airport on 15 April 2012 (AFP)

On Sunday 15 April, Al-Jezeera TV and Agence France Presse displayed images of 14 Sudanese POWs arriving to Juba airport indicating it was the first batch of Sudanese soldiers captured in Heglig.

Khartoum since Friday 13 April launched a counter-offensive to retake the oil producing area but its troops are facing fierce resistance from the South Sudanese army. Since, the fighting is still going on.

"We are going to liaise with the Red Cross to see if they are willing to facilitate their return home," Aguer told reporters at the Airport after displaying the prisoners of war setting on the ground of the airport.

The military spokesperson of the South Sudanese army stated they were holding other prisoners of war, but underlined he did not have full details.

"We are respecting the international laws on war," he underscored.

In Khartoum, Sudanese state minister of information, Sana Hamad was quick to react on the issue of POws. She accused Juab of capturing the medical team of Heglig Hospital and oil workers who were under treatment there when the South Sudanese army took the town last Tuesday 10 April.

She further urged the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to intervene to protect their life and prevent the illegal use of POWs for propaganda purposes in line with the Geneva convention related to this issue.

An AFP reporter from Juba Airport said several Sudanese prisoners had fresh bandages over bullet wounds and others were carried on stretchers.

A Sudanese medical officer, Lieutenant Khalid Hassan Ahmed stated they were OK adding he was in Heglig to treat wounded people and military confirming he was captured on Tuesday during the attack.


Al Jazeera Video: South Sudan captures prisoners of war from North

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHi_nUy08OusVDkJkuXDNql4MFMXg&url=http://www.sudantribune.com/South-Sudan-shows-Sudanese-POWs-as,42271