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Juba, Nov 4 (IANS): The European Commission (EC) said that it has allocated emergency humanitarian funding of 2 million euros ($2.3 million) for those affected by the recent floods that have caused havoc in South Sudan.

The EC said its projections indicate that over a million people may be affected by those floods by the end of 2021, reports Xinhua news agency.

"The floods in South Sudan are a timely reminder for urgent action on climate change, in view also of the COP26 conference: The effects of climate change are real, and they are here -- and vulnerable populations suffer the repercussions," EC commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic said in a statement.

The EC said an estimated 40 people have died and over 750,000 people are affected by the flooding in South Sudan, adding that many people had to flee their homes due to the floods in 31 of the 78 counties of the country, including most famine-affected areas.

Lenarcic said severe flooding in several areas of South Sudan has exacerbated an already fragile humanitarian situation.

"Prior to the flooding, around 70 percent of South Sudan's population was already in need of urgent humanitarian assistance. Thousands of people live in famine-like conditions, and under-nutrition is at critical levels. The emergency funding will be used to respond to the immediate needs of those affected," he added.

The emergency humanitarian funding will be used to provide vulnerable populations with life-saving water and sanitation (WASH), shelter and other essential non-food items.

The recent floods primarily affect four states in South Sudan while in some areas, communities have not seen flooding to this extent since 1962.

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=05A8CCA8CE524155B0DC37570B06F279&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.daijiworld.com%2Fnews%2FnewsDisplay%3FnewsID%3D890282&c=4749336965821451626&mkt=en-ca