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1. Overview

The 2021-2022 two-year Shelter and NFI (SNFI) Cluster Strategy for South Sudan builds on the achievements of the 2019-2020 Cluster Strategy, taking into consideration the current dynamics and humanitarian landscape in the country. It is intended to guide interventions for SNFI Cluster members until the end of 2022. It recognizes that contexts across South Sudan are both fluid and highly specific, with unique needs per location.

The strategy has been revised by the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) with input from other stakeholders including other clusters and partners. It recognises that shelter assistance will increasingly need to be conducted in close coordination with all stakeholders to ensure that approaches are integrated and that broader needs are addressed. It is based on the understanding that shelter and NFI interventions must include better integration with government and civil society. The strategy holds protection of affected populations at its core. The following core principles are to be mainstreamed throughout shelter and NFI operations:

  1. Prioritize health, privacy, safety and dignity,
  2. Do no harm,
  3. Ensure meaningful access of affected populations,
  4. Participation and empowerment of affected people,
  5. Accountability,
  6. Conflict sensitivity,
  7. Housing, Land and Property (HLP) access rights and tenure security, and
  8. Environment Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

It includes a breadth of response options comprising of in-kind assistance, cash and markets assistance, integrated programming with limited shelter construction and rehabilitation activities. The strategy also has a strong focus on HLP issues, advocacy for those with shelter and household needs, as well as capacity building of staff, national authorities, civil society and affected populations.

The strategy articulates the SNFI Cluster’s goal, objectives and available response options covering a range of situations across South Sudan. This includes new emergency and disaster displacements, care and maintenance of shelter for people in protracted displacements and supporting sustainable returns and recovery where the context allows, and it is safe to do so.

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=0165255A482F4889B8D7ADFAE7D6A2E3&url=https%3A%2F%2Freliefweb.int%2Freport%2Fsouth-sudan%2Fsouth-sudan-shelter-and-non-food-items-s-nfi-cluster-strategy-2021-2022&c=15105175305163257767&mkt=en-ca