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In the first quarter of 2021, shocks related to conflict and insecurity have likely driven multi-sectoral needs across Warrap State. Findings indicate that the effects of these high levels of conflict have primarily been seen in Greater Tonj, seemingly leading to displacement on an intra- and inter-county level, and driving a deterioration of shelter conditions for already food insecure IDP populations. Moreover, there are indications of particularly severe levels of food insecurity and vulnerability to further shocks in Greater Tonj, primarily related to low levels of harvested food stocks, displacement and decreased livelihood access and diversity.

To inform humanitarian actors, REACH has conducted assessments of hard-to-reach areas in South Sudan since December 2015. Data is collected on a monthly basis through interviews with key informants with knowledge of a settlement and triangulated with focus group discussions (FGDs). This Situation Overview uses this data to analyse changes in observed humanitarian needs across Warrap State in the first quarter (January - March) of 2021.

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=1D71B0BDECAB43188F64DA548A01F30C&url=https%3A%2F%2Freliefweb.int%2Freport%2Fsouth-sudan%2Fhumanitarian-situation-monitoring-warrap-state-south-sudan-january-march-2021&c=1329688452224782449&mkt=en-ca