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 Food insecurity, flooding and sub-national violence continues to affect the most vulnerable population in South Sudan. Armed conflict between organized armed groups and government forces in Lainya and Yei County displaced some 3,000 people in Yei Town. Sub-national violence has also affected populations in Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) displacing tens of thousands of people. An estimated 20,000 people have been displaced during this violence. Furthermore, flooding has affected an estimated 21,000 people in Fangak County in Jonglei State, and about 3,000 people in Guit County in Unity State.

 As the rainy season approaches in South Sudan, the cluster pipeline team maximize the incoming dry season to preposition supplies by road from its main warehouse in Juba to key logistics hubs across the country.

 Land disputes continue to escalate in return areas due to lack of land documentation by returning populations who find their land occupied by secondary occupants. The S-NFI Cluster has undertaken an access rights /due diligence training on housing, and property (HLP) benefiting cluster partners, state authorities and central government officials in Juba,Rubkona and Wau Counties. The purpose was to equip stakeholders with knowledge regarding land access rights and how they can support returnees and bona fide landowners in case of land disputes.


 During the second quarter of 2021, the cluster’s partners assisted 299,228 individuals (234,972 individuals with NFI and 186,519 individuals with shelter assistance). As of June 2021, the cluster has responded to the needs of 575,464 most vulnerable individuals with emergency shelter and non-food items assistance, this achievement represents 53% of the target for the 2021 HRP.

 In areas where the security was more stable and markets were functioning, partners commenced the cash/voucher assistance (CVA) programming targeting a small number of populations. During this reporting period, three CVA projects have been completed reaching 5,200 individuals.

 During the reporting period, the core pipeline released and transported 1,384 MT of stocks from its warehouses for distribution by partners to meet the needs of affected populations in various locations.


 Limited financial, logistical and human resources in relation to the high needs compounded by the difficult operating environment in South Sudan continue to impede the assistance provided.

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=E9A7851C0A1C4D54A6C0AED59D95BB11&url=https%3A%2F%2Freliefweb.int%2Freport%2Fsouth-sudan%2Fsouth-sudan-shelter-cluster-factsheet-q2-2021&c=4539707713505530099&mkt=en-ca