
South Sudan: New documentary follows MSF staff inside harrowing Bentiu camp South Sudan: New documentary follows MSF staff inside harrowing Bentiu camp A young man sitting at the sewer inside the camp A girl working with her family's cattle on the outskirts of Bentiu South Sudan: New documentary follows MSF staff inside harrowing Bentiu camp Boys playing in a burned down building outside the camp Families outside their shelter at an abandoned shop in Bentiu town Women baking bread in a women's hostel in Bentiu town South Sudan: New documentary follows MSF staff inside harrowing Bentiu camp South Sudan: New documentary follows MSF staff inside harrowing Bentiu camp South Sudan: New documentary follows MSF staff inside harrowing Bentiu camp South Sudan: New documentary follows MSF staff inside harrowing Bentiu camp South Sudan: New documentary follows MSF staff inside harrowing Bentiu camp South Sudan: New documentary follows MSF staff inside harrowing Bentiu camp South Sudan: New documentary follows MSF staff inside harrowing Bentiu camp

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=4C2AB9BA05314C3DAE2AC6AC9121F5F8&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmsf.org.uk%2Farticle%2Fsouth-sudan-new-documentary-follows-msf-staff-inside-harrowing-bentiu-camp&c=11289982697370369514&mkt=en-ca