
Sri Lanka Aviation Unit in South Sudan Receive UN Medals
25 May, 20, Source: Sri Lanka Air Force[1]

The UN Medal Awarding Ceremony of 4th Contingent of Sri Lanka Aviation Unit (UNMISS) in South Sudan was held on 20 May 2020 at the Sri Lanka Aviation Unit Hangar premises in Bor. 

Brigadier General Mohammad Jahangir Alam, the Sector Commander (Sector East) graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. In addition, Ms. Deborah Schein (Head of Field Office of UN) and Mr. Liban Hajji (Field Administrative Officer of UN) also participated for the event as Special Guests of Honour. 

During the ceremony nineteen (19) Officers and eighty-five (85) Other Ranks were awarded with UN Medals for UNMISS. Moreover, three (03) Officers and seventeen (17) Other Ranks were awarded with Certificates of Commendations by the Force Commander and the Sector Commander in appreciation of their valuable and meritorious services rendered to the United Nations Missions in South Sudan


  1. ^ Sri Lanka Air Force (www.bing.com)

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=5F4814E5EB3D44EC8EC67392333FB777&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelihub.com%2F2020%2F05%2F25%2Fsri-lanka-aviation-unit-in-south-sudan-receive-un-medals%2F&c=2704379465018388316&mkt=en-ca