


  • 25% of internally displaced persons households in Don Bosco collective site have at least one person with specific needs. The total households in Don Bosco is 562 HHs/ 2,258 individuals as per UNHCR protection profiling exercise conducted in April 2018

  • 139 vulnerable households with at least one person with specific needs

  • 202 vulnerable individuals with at least one specific need

  • 46% of the vulnerable households (64 HHs/ 99 individuals) have expressed intentions to leave Don Bosco (return/relocate).

  • 88% out of those who expressed intentions to leave Don Bosco. 88% of the vulnerable households (56 HHs/ 89 individuals) intend to return to their place of origin. 12% (8 HHs/ 10 individuals) intend to relocate to places other than their place of origin.


Vulnerability verification exercise was conducted to verify and update the status of the existing most vulnerable case load in Don Bosco and to identify new vulnerable cases at household level. This report compiles and analyses data from 139 vulnerable IDPs households comprised of 202 individuals with specific needs. It builds on the protection profiling exercise routinely conducted by Humanitarian Development Consortium (HDC). The 139 vulnerable households identified is equivalent to 25% of the total households in Don Bosco collective site.

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=C56B54DBCD304C6C8C2C3CEFF7CCDA8D&url=https%3A%2F%2Freliefweb.int%2Freport%2Fsouth-sudan%2Fsouth-sudan-vulnerability-verification-and-return-intentions-don-bosco-idp&c=10365722841784143019&mkt=en-ca