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Following the incident in Isebi, Morobo county on 27 October, IOM suspended all the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) preparedness activities at five Points of Entry (PoEs) – Isebi, Okaba, Bazi, Lasu and Tokori – and operations; EVD screening, flow monitoring points, IPC/WASH activities, support to health facilities, risk communication and social mobilization. IOM continue to support and conduct active screening in the following 10 PoE sites (Yei SSRRC, Yei Airstrip,Kaya, Salia Musala, Kor Kaya, Pure, Kerwa, Khorijo, Bori, Birigo.


● DTM continued operating 24 EVD-dedicated FMPs at the borders with DRC,Uganda and CAR, of which 6 operated in cooperation with DTM Uganda on the Ugandan side of the border. Four FMPs (Bazi, Okaba, Lasu and Tokori) temporarily deactivated as a precautionary measure following the 27 October incident in Isebi, Morobo County


● Active screening ongoing in 15 active IOM-supported PoE sites in Yei and Morobo sites

● IOM refresher training for screeners in Yei airport, Yei SSRC, Birigo, Busia and Salia Musala

● IOM staff participated in Border health surveillance coordination meeting held in Yei


● IOM received the USAID monitoring and evaluation visit at six IOM operating PoEs in Morobo and Kajokeji

● IOM conducted community engagement meetings with 168 community leaders and key informants in 5 locations (Kerwa, Pure, Khorijho, Kaya Salia Musala) as well as trainings for 52 community leaders and key informants from 6 locations (Attende, Gimunu, Marakonye, Koya,Kaya, Salia Musala)

● IOM completed the 3rd IPC/WASH assessment at 4 health facilities (Yei hospital, Lasu PHCC, Kaya PHCC, Kerwa PHCC) and 1st IPC/WASH assessment at 3 health facilities (Tirye PHCU, Koyoki PHCU, Khorijho PHCU)

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=164E0DD9651B42BD8ED5515E78E9A7DE&url=https%3A%2F%2Freliefweb.int%2Freport%2Fsouth-sudan%2Fiom-south-sudan-ebola-virus-disease-preparedness-monthly-report-october-2019&c=5687635711401889503&mkt=en-ca