

CMD operates through five specialized program areas, referred to as Core Competencies. These are Education, Food Security, and Livelihood, Primary Healthcare, Nutrition, and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). The core competencies are mutually reinforcing and adaptable to complex displacement situations.


CMD is the Education in Emergency focal organization for Ayod, Ulang and Longechuk Counties currently supporting UNICEF funded learning and teaching activities in 111schools, remunerating 790 volunteer teachers with beneficiary caseloads of 52,366 children. The education program focuses on reducing barriers to basic inclusive education, providing relevant quality basic education and enhancing livelihood opportunities. In collaboration with UNICEF, UNESCO and UNDP, CMD has been able to intervene in “Education in Emergency”, i.e. educating and protecting the young generation entrapped in continued conflict and marginalization in South Sudan. The education program with UNICEF and UNDP funding provides protective and safe access to inclusive education to IDPs, returnees and vulnerable host communities in “Greater Upper Nile, Eastern Equatoria and Jonglei state in South Sudan”.

CMD has integrated safe and protective emergency “Temporary Learning Spaces” (TLS), WASH facilities and recreational spaces in schools.Lifesaving messages targeting school-going children and out of school youths on life skills and psychosocial support, girl child education including awareness on early girl child marriages, GBV and HIV/AIDS are evidently being given attention.CMD seeks to establish and train school-based peace clubs, promote inter-school and community games to enhance tranquility and to monitor and report cases of violence in schools; train PTAs members on the importance of “Girls Education”, school management and conflict resolution and ensure integration of PSS especially in conflict-affected areas and sports for peace and development.

Food Security and Livelihood

The Food Security and Livelihood (FSL) strategy responds to primary needs provision, livelihoods recovery and resilience needs of people affected by displacement by building community asset bases, and capacities to improve resilience and emergency preparedness.

Just like other various parts of the country, the food and nutrition security in the counties of Ayod and Nyirol remained fragile since insecurity, effects of economic crisis, displacements, cholera and inaccessibility in the areas continued to exist. CMD in Collaborating with International INGOs are implementing a rapid response mechanism in selected beneficiaries among the vulnerable individuals, female-headed households, pregnant and lactating mothers and also people with disabilities are identified during the processes.

CMD has collaborated with FAO to build on the resilience programming approach, which has enhanced the development of new resilience programming models in South Sudan. Together with the Education program, FSL has established a youth response approach and has initiated the refugee employment program with a specific focus on private partnership and integration of new information and communication technology.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, or WASH, principally involves construction and rehabilitation of latrines, hygiene promotion, and provision of clean water through the construction or rehabilitation of boreholes, shallow wells, water pipelines and collection points.CMD has been providing WASH services to people in different communities through hand pump maintenance and repairs, hand-dug wells and water reservoirs establishments, water purification, chlorine tablets distributions to most vulnerable communities in South Sudan. CMD has trained local pump mechanics, water management committee members/WMCs and hygiene promoters in each of the field location as a mechanism aimed at building resilience and to enhance the the capacity of communities. With this program, CMD in collaboration with partners address water, sanitation and hygiene and public health needs in both rural and urban areas of our operations.We promote far-reaching communities’ sanitation and hygiene services; increase community skills and build WASH service providers and health workers capacity to uphold WASH facilities and safeguard proper environmental care, protection and preservation.

Primary HealthCare

Health-Care Services: - Increase access to quality health care services by providing basic health packages and emergency referral services; control the spread of communicable diseases especially in vulnerable communities and enhance supervision and provision of health services delivery to support our health facilities and strengthen local capacity for response.Reduces the high rate of acute malnutrition among children under the age of 5 years.Provision of refresher training for EPI workers, Hygiene promoters, CHWs, and TBAs in all supported health facilities. Improve health infrastructure by constructing new or rehabilitating PHCCs and PHCUs and to strengthen the capacity of key health personnel in communities to improve health service delivery. Promote reproductive health and HIV/AIDS awareness and child survival among the communities. ‘Increase access to quality health care services by providing basic health packages and emergency.’ Our HIV/AIDS program provides information and services to vulnerable groups while addressing the underlying factors that lead people to make choices that put them at risk of infection. CMD's HIV/AIDS program is linked and integrated into all CMD programs including health/nutrition, education, WASH, FSL, and economic development. Through our HIV/AIDS program, we help communities, men, women, and children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS safe; develop peer education and outreach in communities; and increase access to services such as condoms, voluntary counseling, and testing, anti-retroviral treatment, and STI prevention and treatment.We also place additional emphasis and advocacy on reducing stigma and work to ensure economic self-sufficiency amongst PLWHAs. All our planned community-based HIV/AIDS Care, Prevention and Poverty alleviation (COPPA) project aims to build a local coordination mechanism model to mainstream HIV/AIDS-related prevention and cure poverty alleviation activities.


CMD is implementing Nutrition in the Northern part of Ayod in the past one year. During the implementation, CMD has established 6 Nutrition sites and 1 outreach location. The sites established during this period were funded by WFP and UNICEF, targeting pregnant and lactating women and children under 5 with acute malnutrition. In 2019, CMD Expanded Nutrition program of Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program (TSFP) and Outpatient Therapeutic Program (OTP), Stabilization Centers to the Southern part of Ayod. So far, 6 new Nutrition sites have been established as an addition

to the existing 5 old sites, bringing the total number of sites to 11.These sites are being supported by UNICEF, WFP, and USAID-OFDA-IMA, and they target children under 5, pregnant women, and lactating women, suffering Acute Malnutrition

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=DED89A6CE70E49A88420D19D71BAFCE2&url=https%3A%2F%2Freliefweb.int%2Freport%2Fsouth-sudan%2Fchristian-mission-development-mid-year-review-south-sudan-june-2019&c=14495788122038105385&mkt=en-ca