
This year, we were able to reach out to over 1.5 million people in-need in South Sudan. Every year that we are reminded of the achievement is a constant inspiration for us. It brings to mind the cooperation of the communities, the smile in the children’s faces and the hard work of over 1,000 staff around the country.

What makes us very proud is that every day that make up the year 2018 is a test of resilience and courage from all sides. It is a joint effor t. Hand-in-hand we do it together.

We can do our work succesfully with the full support of the communities, our partners and various government agencies, our donors, our staff and the WorldVision Partnership.

Working in fragile contexts is often challenging and always with complex dynamics. They keep us on our toes and pushes us to be better at our jobs because people, especially the children, are waiting down the line for us.

World Vision’s leadership is highly-regarded in the NGO community and by the UN agencies, most of whom are our partners and offer crucial support in many of our initiatives. This relationship gives us a strong leverage in helping make our work more efficient and faster.

In so many times we have reached out to these partners for support and we salute them for being with us when we needed them most.

We will focus more on a balanced humanitarian assistance with longer term recovery and resilience initiatives to bring about sustained change in communities we work with. It is our hope that many displaced people and refugees will return home and World Vision will be there working with all partners to help realize the dreams of many south Sudanese.

As we move forward to 2019, it is our sincere desire to keep getting better at the work that we do and increase our reach to remote areas where our support is much needed.

Mesfin Loha,

Country Programme Director
World Vision South Sudan

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=65CD9C90131540DD9A2F38E97C063775&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wvi.org%2Fsouth-sudan%2Fpublication%2Fworld-vision-south-sudan-annual-report-2018&c=16066695642815018425&mkt=en-ca