
South Sudan: UN - 1.5 Million South Sudanese on Brink of Famine

South Sudan has protested against a top United States diplomat's remark questioning President Salva Kiir's suitability to rule the young the nation.

Government spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny said Nikki Haley's damning statement was "outrageous".

South Sudan plunged into ethnic violence in December 2013 when forces loyal to Kiir, a Dinka, started battling those loyal to his former vice president, Riek Machar, a Nuer.

The anticipated food crisis is mainly attributed to the South Sudanese population's inability to plant or harvest due to war that has displaced millions of people.

She cited President Salva Kiir for nearly immediately violating a December 21 cease-fire that took effect three days later, for blocking aid to millions in need despite a promise of "free and unhindered access", and for last month's promotion of three generals sanctioned by the UN Security Council in 2015 for leading "the slaughter" of civilians.

She said access challenges have continued to delay and interrupt the humanitarian response in South Sudan.

At least 1.5 million South Sudanese could face starvation while up to 20,000 of them are experiencing starvation conditions, a United Nations humanitarian officials told the Security Council on Wednesday.

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The tough talking diplomat asked that an global arms embargo be imposed on South Sudan.

Since the conflict in South Sudan began in December 2013, about 4 million people have reportedly been forced to flee their homes, including almost 1.9 million people who have been internally displaced and over 2 million people who have fled as refugees to neighboring countries.

"If it is not an insult to the people of South Sudan, they would not have even elected somebody who is unfit to govern the country".

U.S. media reported, that Haley slammed President Kiir for failures to respect last December ceasefire deal as well as his promotion of three army generals who were sanctioned by the United Nations for leading the slaughter of civilians in the four-year civil war.

Her conclusion that "things are going backwards in South Sudan" was echoed by many council members, frustrated as well at the failure of the world's newest nation to end years of deadly political infighting that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people.

At the African Union summit later this month, Haley urged the continent's leaders "to consider seriously the accountability measures it pledged for those who refuse to pursue peace" - including violators of the cease-fire.

"We can not stand by as South Sudanese leaders sign an agreement one day and authorise or allow its violation with impunity the next", Mogae told the council by video-conference from Juba.

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=DFA8D89EC350438CB2E923DA8D08F940&url=http%3A%2F%2Falironbilbao.com%2F2018%2F01%2Fsouth-sudan-govt-dismisses-claim-leaders-failed-people%2F&c=5981699736895155295&mkt=en-ca