

IOM began operations in southern Sudan in 2005, establishing the IOM South Sudan Country Mission after the region succeeded from Sudan after independence in 2011. Since Independence, the mission has grown to be one of the largest globally with 350 staff across six field offices. IOM has had significant programming activities in the fields of humanitarian response, stabilisation and migration management. When the December 2013 crisis broke out, IOM was able to rapidly adapt and build on this presence to implement a diverse humanitarian response. The mission consolidated support to thousands of vulnerable people internally displaced, including those seeking shelter in United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) Protection of Civilian sites (PoCs), and deploying rapid response teams to reach the most affected communities in remote areas.

The combination of experienced teams, thoughtful management, robust procurement, logistics and recruitment procedures and wide field based infrastructure has positioned IOM as a central to the humanitarian response.

Humanitarian programs are developed within the framework of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Cluster Approach and in line with the humanitarian community’s overall strategy as defined in the South Sudan Humanitarian Strategic Response Plan (HRP).

IOM South Sudan’s roles include:

• Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster co-lead and State Focal Point in Jonglei, Upper Nile, Warrap and Western Bahr el Ghazal states;

• Shelter-Non Food Item (S-NFI) Cluster lead, alongside managing the provision of S-NFI materials through the core pipeline,

• Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster State Focal Point for Upper Nile, alongside managing 12.5% of the WASH core emergency supply pipeline;

• Playing an active role in the Logistics Cluster, and running the Common Transport Service (CTS), transporting humanitarian cargo throughout South Sudan;

• Playing an active role in the Health cluster and co-hosting the health HIV in Emergency sub-working group;

• Chairing the Rapid Response Team (RRT) Working Group under the rotational leadership system; and

• Participating in the Psychosocial Support Services (PSS) Taskforce and the Mental Health Forum.

The strong presence across the Clusters allows IOM to implement an integrated, comprehensive approach, significantly boosting the strength of interventions. IOM has successfully balanced a pragmatic approach to deliver services to those in need with constructive engagement around humanitarian advocacy with UNMISS and government when required. IOM has managed the Rapid Response Fund (RRF) since 2010 to support relief agencies across the country to swiftly implement specific emergency interventions.

IOM has continued to implement transition and recovery interventions in places where conditions allow, concentrating on collaborative partnerships with local, national and international non-government organisations (I/NGOs). Throughout 2014-2016, IOM managed the EU Peace and Stability Quick Impact Fund (PSQIF) mechanism to support peacebuilding projects and infrastructure rehabilitation by Community Based Organisations (CBOs), and I/NGOs. IOM is engaged in building ownership and the resilience of communities and governments through sustainable approaches. IOM South Sudan is also assisting with migration-related policy and border management.

Source http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=70EAE39A92954C1B846CC278EC3ED6D8&url=http%3A%2F%2Freliefweb.int%2Freport%2Fsouth-sudan%2Fsouth-sudan-migration-crisis-operational-framework-mcof-2016-2017&c=ocb6CFJ2ePKUgqbhBFiqjnk52x7n_9hHSvrLJdcD6_o&mkt=en-ca