Draft paper to introduce the five proposed bridges for Chollo Kingdom.
It is the responsibility of the Government of South Sudan and Chollo Kingdom’s Administrative to construct five proposed bridges for Chollo Kingdom to guarantee the connection between Chollo Kingdom’s residents, visitors, government’s agents/agencies, investors, NGOs, and as wide as the pledge for the flow of goods and products/produces back and forth between Sudan-South Sudan-African nations-world wide without wear of any kind.
The five proposed bridges for Chollo Kingdom must be designed and built to meet the international civil engineering standard(s)/code(s) in order to withstand both human, load(s) and natural factors, and still allow the free movements of big ships and boats on the Nile and Sobat Rivers water without dismantling, rising, shifting or bending any part of the bridges. First bridge has to be built crossing Sobat River by Obel-Gädø to Pïïjø; second bridge has to be constructed crossing the Nile River at Nyijwaadø or somewhere between Tuungø and Penyikaangø; third bridge has to be built crossing the Nile River at somewhere at Pecöödø; fourth bridge has to be built crossing Nile River at Nyiwudø; and the fifth bridge has to be built crossing Nile River at Rängø.
Building five bridges for Chollo Kingdom is the wisest choice at this time, and ethically, meeting international code(s) of civil engineering would be somehow big challenges for South Sudanese and Chollo engineers and mathematicians alone. It could be a hopeful thinking to invite other African and international engineers who have good reputations regard Chollo Kingdom’s development issues and those engineers must be confident in their employment related experiences (civil engineering – bridge building projects related) in order to contribute in choosing the right construction materials, tools, machines and/or assembling machines for reasons like the public safety, durability of the bridges, respect to land and people of the land (Chollo Kingdom’s residents) and guaranteed satisfaction and pride and respect for the beauty of the images of the proposed five bridges for Chollo Kingdom and other international tourists and travellers.
The bridge must have at least four vehicle lanes and half-time-one-vehicle-lane-wide on the left and right for passenger sidewalks, can hold up 25, 000 vehicles (such as lorries or buses), suspended at least 35 meters above the Nile and Sobat Rivers, and have at least sixteen (16) security checkpoints located at each bridge – four (4) at the base of each bridge to watch for the people’s safety and the movements of boats and ships on the water, four (4) security checkpoints on the top where cars, buses, lorries, passengers etc are passing, and four (4) submarine (marine) security officers to watch for bridge’s safety and people’s safety, negligent and intruders as well. Both army officers and police officer permanent units must be installed near each bridge to protect people and the bridges as well. Chollo Kingdom’s Administrative must be held accountable to protect the bridges to avoid confiscators from interfering with the local and national interests on Chollo Kingdom’s land once the bridges buildings is successfully completed.
Five bridges could be called Løngø (Ring Bridge) because of their circulatory paths the consumers could enjoy. The estimated budget for the five bridges is approximately equal to a maximum of up to 70 billions South Sudanese pounds and the estimated time to finish the assembling of bridges could take at least a minimum of seven (7) years to a maximum of ten (10) years. At the beginning of the projects, the waterways need not to be blocked and if the waterways are going to be blocked, there must to be temporary artificial canals dug first to allow the free flow of both Nile and Sobat Rivers into them and back again into the Nile River/Sobat River. Once the bridges buildings are finished, those artificial dug canals must remain opened until the flow of water is back to normality via both Nile and Sobat Rivers’ waterways, and closed after the main waterways of both Nile and Sobat River are clearly opened. The rest about the bridges’ beauties and/or attractions will be determined by the builders, the engineers, and the responsibility is up to the Government of South Sudan and Chollo Kingdom Administration. It is the responsibility of the Government of South Sudan and Chollo Kingdom Administrative to construct five proposed bridges for Chollo Kingdom to make the connection between Chollo Kingdom’s residents, visitors, government’s agents/agencies, investors, NGOs, and as wide as the flow of goods and products/produces back and forth between Sudan-South Sudan-African nations-world wide without wear of any kind. This proposal could bring South Sudan-Choll Kingdom-Sudan-Egypt-Uganda-Ethiopia-Kenya-CAR-DR. Congo-Chad-Tanzania-Somalia-East Africa as wide and the entire continent of Africa to boom economical deals – and world as well. Part of South Sudanese oil revenue has to go straight to this proposal.
By Stephen Owet
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