
Your Wife Like A Fruitful Vine In The Heart Of Your House(Psalm. 127:3)

The family of Goding from Awaw, Dhothim and the family of Padiet from Palo, Panyidwäy have the honour to invite you to share the joy of marriage occasion For their daughter, Duria El Sadiq Goding and their son, James Solomon(Okuk) Padiet.


Malakal, Thourat Malakia, House of Ustaz William Gwang (80 metres East of Malakia Market)


Saturday, 7th March 2009 at 02:00 p.m.


  • MISS. REJOICE OBUR KORYOM - Tel:0917801628


  • Rev. JAMES BOL OBWONY - Tel :0915987350 or 0122331806


  • MR. JOHNSON ANEY - Tel: 0912923203 or 0121116057