

With a broken heart I would like to inform you all about the death of my beloved uncle Colonel Amum Othaw Aney Kor Nyadhok, who passed away last week in Khartoum, Sudan. His body has been taken to Kodok City and he was buried in Gulo village, 40 miles north of Kodok City. He survived by his wife, four children, and his two brothers, Peter and Dak. Uncle Amum has proved himself as a very giving person and a man of strengths who spent 24 years in struggle for his people of Southern Sudan. We will miss him a lot. Please know that we are asking your kindness for prayers for the whole family at this critical time. May the good Lord accept him in his kingdom and raise him the last day with his saints. We ask the Almighty Lord to rest his soul in eternal peace.

Thank You,

Francis Nyawello Chan