

The United Sudanese Christian Fellowship

Beechmont Presbyterian church.
417 W. Ashland Avenue
Louisville, KY 40214


Celebration of the life of late Thresa Adwok Yuwin (01/01/1965 to 02/12/2022)


Date: 04/09/2022

Song: Wesley Lasu.
Welcome and introduction: ( Otto Amon)
Worship song:
Opening prayer.
Biography (Michael Kalakon)

Reflection and Encouragements:

1. William Atilo, president of the Pachodo community in the USA.
2. Anni Kac, Representative of Chollo women in the USA.
3. Bushay Kalakon, Daughter of the deceased.
4. Mary William, Representative of S. Sudan women in Kentucky.
5. Mario Luwal, Chairman of S. Sudan community in Kentucky.

6. Song:
7. First Reading: Job 14: 1- 14 (Doujo Othwonh Dak)
Second Reading: 1Thessalonians 5: 1- 11 (Gai Kiir)
8. Song:
9. Sermon: Wesley Lasu.
10. Worship song:
11. A. Prayer for the Family.
B. Closing Prayers
C. The Lord's Prayer
12. Remarks From:
Michael Kalakon
Deceased's Husband
13. Song.

Please join us in the fellowship hall for refreshments and Traditional Dance.

Thanks you for joining us to comfort this family. May God bless you and protect you.

Please join us Tomorrow for our regular Sunday Service.
11:00am to 1:00pm.