
Dear New formed office (Collo Community Canada)

On behalf of Board of directories and executive body: Pashodo Community Mutual Assistance Association- USA. We would like to share with you the joyful of formation of your executive office.

It’s our pleasure to see all Collo coming together in our neighboring sister country- Canada; Yes it’s the time now for all of us to make ourselves useful to the Kingdom by coming together in one goal (Our Unity is number one). By reviewing the names of the executive body of the office we are confident that the leader ship of Mr. Peter Amon will do the best. Please raise assure that (PCMAA- USA) will work very closely with your community – Knowing that PCMAA next goal is to build maternity room in Kodok City hospital. Please let us join hands to protect the LAND.

We would like to take the opportunity to introduce Pashodo website USA address to those who does not know yet, get community events news here: WWW.thepcmaa.org Lastly we wish you all the best and millions congratulations to Mr. Amon and his team. May the saint of Sudan: blessed Mother Josephine Bakhita continues praying for us. Peace

Rev. Francis Nyawello Chan, Secretary: Board of directories

PCMAA- U.S.A (State of Iowa)