Lam, Adwok and Pagan
The root causes of insecurity, lack of development, absent of peace, destruction of infrastructures and investment of Chollo people and Chollo Kingdom and the broken chain of unity amongst Chollo people is caused not only by bad political diplomacies and divided resistances for Chollo Kingdom and leadership within.
First, I, the author would like to extend my gratitude to those who have stood up and continue contributing for the freedom fight and freedom fighters for everlasting good security, freedom, respect, dignity, and long-lived, self-governing Chollo Kingdom and the independent Chollo people's identity. On the other hand, I would wish my condolence toward the relatives of the Chollo people who have opted for Chollo Kingdom's independent administration policy, but lost lives and lives of be-loved ones while in the middle of the struggle for freedom. I may add that I am pleased to say thank you to the nations and neighbouring countries and/or states which have taken and accepted Chollo Kingdom's people to take refuge in and next to their shelters and shades as well. Thank you!
In the meantime, the focus is much and more about the unity of Chollo people and Chollo Community and to weight freedom war as one and unconditional Chollo Kingdom's autonomous administrative policy which can benefit Chollo Kingdom in term of security and peace before development step in. The past has really drawn not only big, but real huge gap that need neither resentment today – because that huge gap has become would which keep hurting Chollo people and entire Chollo Kingdom nor disbelief about self-definition when it comes to Chollo people and Chollo Community life in general – because thoughts and facts need, not be rationalized, but multi ranged. Any leader who might have reacted negatively and harmed his/her Chollo brothers/sisters based on the political opinioned article(s), that same leader or politician might have played foolishness and have abused his/her power by neglecting his/her identity and the root of the leadership gifts (the Chollo people, Chollo Community and the Kingdom in general voices of political protagonist). A real leader knows the differences between opinioned political paper and fact when an identity or semi-identity call just when the tree's leave sense the variation of climate and root restore the order of the tree itself. On this matter, the political leaders such as Dr. Lam Akol, Dr. Pagan Amum and Dr. Adwok Nyaba (since they have been the mighty flag-wavers of the so called "SPLM" or "SPLM_" amongst the power shared or power to be shared, the Chollo people and Chollo Kingdom) are the focus on the call for the unity for the everlasting good security, unity and freedom for Chollo and Chollo people's political diplomacy and self-governing. ... in short, Right Honourable and former finance, banker, Hist Majesty Rädh Kwöngø Daagø Pedyëdø is the reliable reth to conclude any mediation, peace process and decision which may relate Chollo people and Chollo Kingdom – since His leadership does not segregate - just as in 1997's Pachodo Agreement which could have been the only perfect peace process and the resolution to rescue not only Chollo, Chollo people but the entire southern Sudanese and Sudanese as whole from today's turmoils, rebellions and recently collapsed Republic of South Sudan – which is derailing toward abolishment due the abuses and violences which have been repeatedly done by the political and army bureaus of the South Sudan Army, the SPLA through the joint Juba people-Dinka-Nuer militia against Chollo Kingdom. In these sense, all Chollo people must call out for the confederation of the three mentioned political leaders under the leadership of Kundïdø Nyikwëyø, Cøl Nyikaangø as people, the root of Chollo via Chollo Reth (Rädh Kwöngø Daagø Pedyëdø) – because no plant can have leaves, branches and bring-forth fruits without the roots – this applies in politic as well, but Chollo people and Chollo Kingdom's unity is more important than the unity of the collapsed South Sudan.
Why Lam Akol, Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba? Chollo people always look at these three mentioned SPLM or SPLM_ political leaders as pillars within the entire Pödh Cøllø (Sudan) politics. If one of them opts for rebellion or opposition, there is always real and horrifying bloodshed within the entire nation of the collapsed Republic of South Sudan. Happy are Chollo people for having Lam Akol, Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba in known but with the help of roots. Chollo people should be proud to have such a majestic gifts of leadership. As an author, I would like to call out to the three leaders so they can stand behind one political agenda and support one political ideology which can benefit Chollo people and the entire Chollo Kingdom despite SPLA/M or SPLA/M _ - SPLM or SPLM_ leadership which has failed all Sudanese (Chollo) just as Anya-nya had had. In due respect, the past is over and Chollo people's unity is more important than the unity of the collapsed South Sudan. I would still strongly enlighten those three leaders that choosing one leader, deputy, and secretary general which can always quit sleeping to work for benefit of Chollo Kingdom and continue opposing any other ethnicities' leadership, and never accept Chollo to be led by non Chollo. Chollo unity comes first and more important being in all agendas despite South Sudanese ethnics' applied political ideologies or agendas. As a part of my self dignified analogy to my other Chollo, I always discover myself strongest than the two big tribes (the Jiëng and Naath) and/or including Juba people because two or three's their interest is only one thing in their minds of the Dinka, Nuer and the Juba peoples'. Theirs is always to fight Chollo people and to occupy Chollo people's land and destruction to Chollo Kingdom. My question to three SPLM_ selves dived Chollo leaders (Lam, Pagan and Adwok). 1). Do you Lam Akol, Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba accept Chollo to be slaughtered by the united Dinka-Nuer-Juba (Nuer-Dinka-Juba people) army of South Sudan? Keep your answer to yourselves and do what is best for Chollo people and Chollo Kingdom ya Lam Akol, Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba. As an author, I do not have power to order an army against Dinka, Juba people and Nuer who have become the greatest threat ever against the existence of Chollo Kingdom (Pödh Cøllø), but link between Lam Akol, Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba is what I have known is needed when it comes to Chollo identity, security and visibility on the top of all tribes of the failed and collapsed Republic of South Sudan. Again, as an author, I would support abolishing the independent of the collapsed and failed Republic of South Sudan with their government of Dinka-Nuer-Juba people's and have still have Pödh Cøllø rather other South Sudanese community destroying Pödh Cøllø so they can have South Sudan. Favouring disarming South Sudan Army and abolishing the independent of South Sudan, and still have Pödh Cøllø is much better than having South Sudan which does not recognize Chollo Kingdom and Chollo people.
Introduction is over; I may go ahead with my brief and a viewer/reader has to do his/her own independent researches if she/he wants to read and confirm more about this paper. Juba government which is now the joint Dinka-Nuer-Equatoria government can not be trusted when it comes to the security issues to protect Chollo people and the interest of Chollo, Chollo community and the entire Chollo Kingdom (Pödh Cøllø). As ocoolø I have learnt both real lesson of the past and today's. The past has concluded all Chollo people that all Chollo have been mistreated, abused, their properties looted burnt by other ethnic community of today's collapsed South Sudan's administrative and after the assumed independent, but failed South Sudan, joint Dinka – Nuer- Juba army under the leadership of Salva Kiir and Riek Machar have been attacking towns and villages of Chollo people in Chollo Kingdom. After Lam Akol become the leader of the main opposition political party of South Sudan, Chollo people have suffered in the hand of Salva Kiir and Riek Machar, but Pagan Amum and his secretarial office could not do anything to save Chollo people from Kiir and Riek's war against the existence of Chollo Kingdom since army commands and all security hardware and equipments are controlled by Nuer, Juba people and Dinka. Though Lam Akol has become the leader of the main opposition political party of South Sudan, Pagan Amum had been a secretary general of the leading political party of South Sudan and Adwok Nyaba was the minister of education, Chollo people have never enjoy sense of being protected or peace even in Chollo Kingdom due to Lam, Pagan and Adwok's lack of unity and one goal or political agenda which can benefit Chollo make Chollo people known as people in power.
Like today, Lam Akol is opposing the Government of the collapsed South Sudan; Pagan Amum is with other different political sector that is both opposing the leading government of the failed South Sudan and opposing Lam Akol's political party and against rebel movement which Adwok Nyaba is within. Adwok Nyaba is at the same time not in support of the main opposition political party which is led by Lam Akol. I may suggest that Dr. Lam Akol is a recognized chemical scientist and mathematician internationally. Should Lam Akol do or not do anything to make the government of the collapsed South Sudan surrender to the power, Chollo, and make Chollo benefit and have strong voice that Chollo people cannot be governed or rule by Jieng, naath or equatorian, Chollo will never be stopped by the Dinka-Nuer-Equatoria's government what so ever and to end Chollo people suffering in Chollo Kingdom? On the other hand, Dr. Pagan Amum is a qualified and certified lawyer internationally and a very well oriented and organized political philosopher. Should Pagan Amum never file a lawsuit against Dinka-Nuer-Equatoria's government that has been abusing Chollo people even in Chollo Kingdom on Chollo's land? Dr. Adwok Nyaba is a known university professor and politician academically. Should he or should he not do anything to make Dinka-Nuer-Equatoria government, that is assumed to be the government of the failed South Sudan aware that Chollo people and Chollo Kingdom's leadership is the only leadership that could have led the failed South Sudan for the seek of security and peace for all Sudanese? If any of the above trials fail from Lam Akol, Pagan Amum, or Adwok Nyaba, why not unite as Chollo leaders like others and young general of Chollo who have stood up for Chollo Kingdom under the leadership of Chollo Kingdom's administration and do something against the Dinka-Nuer-Equatoria government to avoid being mingled with the bad politic of Dinka-Nuer-Equatorian, and to free Chollo people from the ongoing segregations and sufferings? As author, I leave live to you Lam, Pagan, Adwok. From my legal research and reasonable point of view, nation, state, country or kingdom is formed, and named basically and according to the tribe by the tribe's "power play."
Message to Lam Akol, Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba is that since other tribes of the failed South Sudan look at you as a power to share, how about you yourselves refused to be shared, shredded like useless papers and destroyed as inkless pens, but seek Chollo's pure minds and gift leadership, and stay away from the unity of the failed South Sudan? Because you know and have learnt that when any of you (Lam, Pagan and Adwok) starts anything against the government, you know that Chollo people and Chollo Kingdom are the ones who always suffer most. How about you behave like a lamp and unite, but have a massive power like a sun so you could be able to shine on those far away from you and have rays that can burn those who have been trying to steal power from Chollo people, Chollo community and Chollo Kingdom – like the Sun does to those who always try to steal its power? Chollo people's lack of unity among leaders of Chollo increases insecurity in Chollo Kingdom and to me, insecurity is much worsened in Chollo Kingdom and for Chollo people every time Lam Akol, Pagan Amum, or Adwok Nyaba opposes the government or any rebel movement. Remember! Though Lam, Pagan, and Adwok united in the rebel, opposition or government side, there is still something they need to remember. The root! No unity made possible without the root and no unity made possible in the bush without the present of parent; parent guidance is not the real parent and parent guidance does not give healing medication often! Patent is parent and Chollo is the parent and the Root to hold on! For a breath, Lam, Pagan, and Adwok will always need Rädhø mi Cøllø's approval and Nyikaangø's blessing of their unity and anything to do just. If Lam, Pagan and Adwok are not united, there will always be negatives causes such as lack of development due to disunity between Lam, Pagan and Adwok which could later leads to insecurity across the entire Chollo Kingdom. That is where other tribes of the failed South Sudan get rooms to loot, kill, violate and abuse Chollo people just.
The cause of lack development in Chollo Kingdom is insecurity. It is not the kind of insecurity that Chollo people are threatening themselves or Chollo fighting Chollo. The cause of insecurity in Chollo Kingdom have been that other tribes of the failed South Sudan are looting, and destroying development infrastructures of Chollo people and Chollo Kingdom. This is another main critical reason why Chollo Kingdom is not developing. From experiences, Dinka, Juba people or Nuer cannot do anything good to Chollo people. Pagan, Lam and Adwok know that if Chollo people or any member of Chollo community had to be in political power, it was only to blindfold Chollo people and Chollo community that they were being represented where as in reality, Chollo are not benefiting but always ending up being oppressed and if Chollo refused to be subjugated, Chollo are looted, killed and abused often by the Dinka-Nuer-Juba people's government. Dinka, Juba people and Nuer have both joint and formed army against Chollo people, Chollo Kingdom and against any kind of development and development infrastructures in Chollo Kingdom. Anything that makes Chollo people develop is hated by Nuer, Juba people and Dinka. It is a competition, but how do Lam Akol, Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba react to the looters, killers, abusers and the destroyer of Chollo Kingdom's infrastructures and real good senses of protection and peace that could have been enjoyed by Chollo people in Chollo Kingdom?
As an author, my reaction could have been to call up my political tribal mates just like other tribes which have been grouping themselves up against the existence of Chollo Kingdom. But how would other scientists, army personnel, security officers, police officers, economists, experienced ITs, and engineers of staffs who are Chollo react about restoration of Chollo dignity in the face of Nuer, Dinka and Juba people? How would Wïypinyø, the Rädhø mi Cøllø reacts to the circumstances like those? As an author, it is not my order to abolish my abusers who have robbed the land from Pödh Cøllø and the same piece of land the robbers have called South Sudan geographically, which has now become the failed and to be abolished south Sudan. It is up to the root (Pödh Cøllø)'s order. With this order of Pödh Cøllø, Lam, Pagan and Adwok's unity for the best of Chollo people's unity and Chollo Kingdom's healing security and the economical survival is needed. Therefore, His Majesty Rädh Kwöngø Daagø Pedyëdø is the Head of the state despite what Salva Kiir, Riek Machar and Wani Igga thought of or think or even have been thinking of, and Rädh mi Cøllø's order can overrun Salva Kiir, Riek Machar and Wani Igga's corrupted minds. With Rädhø mi Cøllø's lead, investment in Chollo Kingdom and amongst Chollo people can survive with Chollo people's unity for the interests of Chollo, and security in Chollo Kingdom can be strengthened through the union of Chollo people which implies the blocking Nuer, Dinka and Juba people from involving into any form of investment in Chollo Kingdom.
This is a time and it is were Lam Akol, Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba could participate with the rest of Chollo people who have been working for the interest of Chollo Kingdom's Administration and Chollo people's economy, investments, infrastructures and development. Even up to date, Lam Akol, Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba are well knowledgeable that politic is like gambling in the house without laws – when you don't win, you either cheat or rob and run away with what you have robbed. But, community's welfare is like a duty that someone should not fail to part-take because it you who is being represented and volunteered for by the Chollo fighters who have voluntarily united, agreed and managed to keep the rest of the threats from engulfing Chollo Kingdom. That is where respect is earned, and freedom is earned after the past is over. If the past is past, Lam Akol, Pagan Amum and Adwok Nyaba are persuade with courage that this is a time Lam, Pagan and Adwok leave SPLM or SPLM_ behind and seek unity for the seek of the root, the Chollo Kingdom, Kundïdø Nyikwëyø, Nyikaangø and the interests of Chollo people. Without delay, South Sudan (the Republic of South Sudan) is to be abolished and Chollo Kingdom, Sudan (Pödh Cøllø) to live long and free from Dinka-Nuer-Juba people threats, and general living shall be restored for good in Chollo Kingdom. Let the mighty battle runs in the enemies' holds if the shared power or the power to be shared by Dinka, Nuer and Juba people has been Chollo people and Chollo Kingdom's power. As an author, I refused to share my power with the people (especially Juba people, Dinka, and Nuer government and army) who have been abusing and ruing Chollo people and Chollo kingdom's security, peace, infrastructures and development.
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