
refugees.jpgBy: Abdulrahem Ador.

I was approched by an elderly man from Abiemnom county who expressed interest in going home as part of voluntry repartriation to Unity state, but at the same time cast boubts over the security situation in the area with the Messeria fighting with the SPLA.

I became speechles, as am one of the people that support the going home of the people as part of CPA implimentation, to catch up with census. However, the oldman might be right to think about some thing that had not occurred to me and others in GOSS most probably.
The instability(insecurity) is mounting all over the southern Sudan and approches the level of pre-CPA era and could be enumorated as follows;
1.Abyie issue:
The scermishes of insecurity around Abyie –Meirem-Awil area is the most unstable which is a areal threat to peace between the south and the north that might bring real war inspite of the SPLM leadership repeated statements of no going back to war. The war starts in the brain, articulated in rhetoric language which the SPLM and Masseria are not short-of, and transilated into action through escalation on the ground as is the case of appointment of the administration(Edward Lino and the secrtaries not approved by part of the presidency as these are SPLM officials to do what if not administer the daily life of the citizens there?). On the other hand, the NCP appointed its party officials which is composed of some Ngok Dinka unlike that of the SPLM. This escalation if any thing, is a fragile political situation that can explode at any time evolving into real war which can blast the CPA. Why did’nt the chairman of SPLM lobby to have Lino’s panel be accepted by the chairman of the NCP and have something close to the CPA’s provision? This situation evaluated interms of security is thought by the IDPs as volatile, and making them have reservations to return to the northern parts of Unity, Warap, South Kordufan and Northern Bahar El ghazal States.Thus the oldman fears are justified.
2. Dinka Bor – Murle;
What happened in Bor a couple of months ago was quite un believable,what so ever is the difference between brothers, that the hatred can amount to shooting patients on hospital beds right under the nose of the state government.The governor should have been fired instead of promoting him to GONU. How would you expect the Murles from the IDPs or from Diaspora to go confidently to the capitol of their state?